Biochemistry and Biotechnology


Clinical & Medical Biochemistry journal publishes the results of original research in the fields of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell, and Biotechnology written in English in the form of Regular Papers or Rapid Communications. A Rapid Communication is not a preliminary note, but it is, though brief, a complete and final publication.

Clinical Biochemistry publishes articles relating to clinical chemistry, molecular biology and genetics, therapeutic drug monitoring and toxicology, laboratory immunology and laboratory medicine in general, with the focus on analytical and clinical investigation of laboratory tests in humans used for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and therapy, and monitoring of disease.

The Journal is successfully running in the Volume 3 which covers a wide variety of specialties reaching out to analytical scientists worldwide.

Clinical & Medical Biochemistry journal accepts papers that contribute to knowledge in all fields of laboratory medicine, especially those pertaining to the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of human disease. It publishes papers on clinical biochemistry, clinical audit, metabolic medicine, immunology, genetics, biotechnology, haematology, microbiology, computing and management where they have both biochemical and clinical relevance.

Martini Jones

Journal Manager

Whatsapp: +3225889658

Clinical and Medical Biochemistry